Courage, Honor, Passion - what I live by

In the past few days there have been several things to motivate me. 

The movie, Chef, where Jon Favreau's character is stuck at a restaurant where he fights to be able to cook the way he knows is amazing! However, since it is different and outside the box menu, the restaurant owner does not let him. He finds himself jobless and hopeless - until the people who love him push him to start a food truck which rocks it and he was the happiest he had been... !

Next, the movie, The Blind Side. Where a boy was saved from a very unsafe upbringing and neighborhood - given a real chance at life and excels beyond anyone's belief. Michael Oher, based on a true story and real character, brings his grades up, works hard at football and is surrounded by a new, loving and supportive family. For a final hope in getting his GPA up to where it needs to be - he writes the essay below, a very inspiring essay and thankfully he passes!

Courage and Honor
“Courage is a hard thing to figure. You can have courage based on a dumb idea or a mistake, but you’re not supposed to question adults, or your coach, or your teacher because they make the rules. Maybe they know best but maybe they don’t. It all depends on who you are, where you come from. Didn't at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up and joining with the other side? I mean, Valley of Death, that’s pretty salty stuff. That’s why courage is tricky. Should you always do what others tell you to do? Sometimes you might not even know why you’re doing something. I mean, any fool can have courage. But honor, that’s the real reason you either do something or you don’t. It’s who you want to be. If you die trying for something important then you have both honor and courage and that’s pretty good. I think that’s what the writer was saying; that you should try for courage and hope for honor. And maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too.”
These were inspiring to me personally, since too many people take the easy path. Please let me say - I know for some that is the only path allowed due to circumstances, and for that my heart goes out. However, for others who let fear hold them back... please reevaluate your path and know life is not a dress rehearsal. DARE TO DREAM BIG :) so big! TRY. Of course be smart and logical, but what is life with no risks. The safe path (at least in my experience) will never give you those uplifting, unbelievable and encouraging moments life has to offer.
Speech via My Town Tutors, image via netflixlife



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