Better TO GO utensils and containers needed!

Image from worldcentric

Eco-friendly living is needed more than ever. Especially with all the takeout orders and doggy to go bags we enjoy so much!

Thing is, eco-friendly living touches every area of our lives. Not only in fashion, huge thanks to the ladies who co-founded Vestiaire Collective, which majorly slows down fast fashion by reselling fabulous previously owned pieces, but what, when and how we eat is affected too! Big time.

Let's begin with those plastic utensils or to go containers that are tremendously no help to keeping out planet clean. Since less than 9% (that is being generous in my opinion) of plastic waste is recycled annually, according to DW news, we need many more compostable or reusable options set in place. From food trucks, to restaurant to go orders and doggy bags to start. 

Here is one fantastic option: World Centric

First thought, "my city doesn't compost, how would this work?". Got ya covered ;) thanks to Whole Foods, they accept anyone's compost right in their very stores! I have been doing this for years, in Los Angeles first and now in Princeton, New Jersey. Or check in with your local farmers markets too!



If you’re interested in collaborating or have any questions, you’re more than welcome to send me an e-mail at: Thanks!